724 documents found [Next]
Bryans, Danton, Bitcoin and Money Laundering: Mining for an Effective Solution. Indiana Law Journal - Vol. 89, nç 1, 2014: 441-472.
Cassin, Shaun, Best Offense Is a Good Defense: How the Adoption of An FCPA Compliance Defense Could Decrease Foreign Bribery. Houston Journal of International Law - Vol.36, n° 1, 2014: 19-58.
Di Puppo, Lili, The Construction of Success in Anti-Corruption Activity in Georgia. East European Politics - 30:1, 2014, 105-122.
Durland, Rissel, Containing the Spillover Effect: The Use of Rule of Law to Combat Drug-Related Violence in Mexico. Houston Journal of International Law - Vol. 36, n° 1, 2014: 217-252.
Gilchrist, Gregory M., Special Problem of Banks and Crime. University of Colorado Law Review - Vol. 85, n° 1, 2014: 1-52.
Gosling, Justin (2014), The Global Response to Transnational Organized Environmental Crime: A Research Report, Geneva, The Global Initiative.
INTERPOL (2014), Against Organized Crime: Interpol Trafficking and Counterfeiting Casebook, Lyon, INTERPOL.
Mbiyozo, Aimee-Noel; Reitano, Tuesday (2014), Organized Crime in Southern Africa: A Conference Report, Geneva, The Global Initiative.
Muma, Matthew W., Toward Greater Guidance: Reforming the Definitions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Michigan Law Review - 12:7, 2014. 1337-1362.
Nisnevich, Yu. A.; Rožič, P., Lustration as Instrument of Counteracting Corruption. Polis: Journal of Political Studies - 1:2014, 109-130.
Perera, Mark (2014), The European Union Intergrity System, Brussels, Transparency International.
Rubin, Edward L., Corruption, Governance, and Morality. Captured by Evil: The Idea of Corruption in Law: Book Review. Texas Law Review - 92:4, 2014, 943-972.
Saha, Shrabani; Gounder, Rukmani; Campbell, Neil; Su, J., Democracy and Corruption: a Complex Relationship. Crime, Law & Social Change - 61:3, 2014, 287-308.
Semukhina, Olga; Reynolds, K. Michael, Russian Citizens' Perceptions of Corruption and Trust of the Police. Policing & Society - 24:2, 2014, 158-188.
Siverson, Randolph M.; Johnson, Richard A.I., Politics and Parasites: The Contribution of Corruption to Human Misery. International Studies Quarterly - 58:1, 2014, 199-206.
Smith, Russel G., Responding to Organised Crime through Intervention in Recruitment Pathways. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, Vol. 473, 2014, 1-9. [WWW]
The Global Initiative (2014), Analyzing Organized Crime (January), Geneva, The Global Initiative.
The Global Initiative (2014), Analyzing Organized Crime (June), Geneva, The Global Initiative.
The Global Initiative (2014), The Global Response to Transnational Organized Environmental Crime: Key Messages and Core Recommendations, Geneva, The Global Initiative.
United States Department of State. Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (2014), International Narcotics Control Strategy Report: Volume I Drug and Chemical Control, Washington, United States Department of State.
United States Department of State. Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (2014), International Narcotics Control Strategy Report: Volume II Money Laundering and Financial Crimes, Washington, United States Department of State.
Wee, Natalie Shu Ying, OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and the Impact of the United Kingdom's Bribery Act 2010 on Corporations: Is the Act Too Harsh?. International Trade and Business Law Review - Vol. 17, n° 1, 2014: 126-200.
Aguirre, Jerjes; Herrera, Hugo, Institutional Weakness and Organized Crime in Mexico: the Case of Michoacán. Trends in Organized Crime - 16:2, 2013, 221-238.
Hellman, Deborah, Defining Corruption and Constitutionalizing Democracy. Michigan Law Review - 111:2013, 1385-1422.
Lavorgna, Anita;Lombardo, Robert; Sergi, Anna, Organized Crime in Three Regions: Comparing the Veneto, Liverpool, and Chicago. Trends in Organized Crime - 16:3, 2013, 265-285.
Mekinc, Janez; Kociper, Tina; Dobovšek, Bojan, The Impact of Corruption and Organized Crime on the Development of Sustainable Tourism. Varstvoslovje: Journal of Criminal Justice & Security - 15:2, 2013, 218-239.
Rose-Ackerman, Susan, International Actors and the Promises and Pitfalls of Anti-Corruption Reform. University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law - 34:3, 2013, 447-490.
Rowe, Elizabeth; Akman, Tabor; Smith, Russell G.; Tomison, Adam M., Organised Crime and Public Sector Corruption: A Crime Scripts Analysis of Tactical Displacement Risks. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, Vol. 444, 2013, 1-7. [WWW]
Sharma, Vivek S., Give Corruption a Chance. National Interest - 128:2013, 38-45.
Thompson, Keith, Does Anti-Corruption Legislation Work?. International Trade and Business Law Review - 16:2013, 99-135.
Yingling, M. Patrick, Conventional and Unconventional Corruption. Duquesne Law Review - 51:2013, 263-320.
Alderman, Kimberly L., Honor Among Thieves: Organized Crime and the Illicit Antiquites Trade. Indiana Law Review - 45:3, 2012, 602-627.
Alford, Roger P., A Broken Windows Theory of International Corruption. Ohio State Law Journal - 73:5, 1253-1281.
Ansalone, Gianluca (2012), 11 settembre 2021: Le minacce del prossimo decennio, Milan, Franco angeli.
Barr, Joshua V. - Pinilla, Edgar Michael - Finke, Jorge, Legal Perspective on the Use of Models in the Fight Against Corruption. South Carolina Journal of International Law and Business - 8.2, 2012, 267-296.
Chaffee, Eric C., Role of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Other Transnational Anti- Corruption Laws in Preventing or Lessening Future Financial Crisis. Ohio State Law Journal - 73:5, 2012, 1283-1319.
Coppola, Lee - De Marco, Nicholas, Civil Rico: How Ambiguity Allowed the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act to Expand Beyond its Intended Purpose. Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement - 38:241, 2012, 241-255.
Hatchard, John, Combating Corruption: Some Reflections on the Use of the Offence and the Tort of Misconduct/ Misfeasance in a Public Office. Denning Law Journal - 24, 2012, 65-88.
Hess, David, Combating Corruption Through Corporate Transparency: Using Enforcement Discretion to Improve Disclosure. Minnesota Journal of International Law - 21:1, 2012, 42-74.
Hon. Alch, Gerald, Reflections on the Experience of Representing Organized Criminals. Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement - 38:219, 219-240.
Institut Pro Kriminologii a Socialni Prevenci (2012), Crime in the Czech Republic in 2010, Prague, Iksi.
Johnston, Michael, Why Do So Many Anti Corruption Efforts Fail?. NYU Annual Survey of American Law - 67:467, 467-496.
Joutsen, Matti (2012), New Types of Crime: Proceedings of the International Seminar Held in Connections with Heuni's Thirtieth Anniversary: Helsinki 20 October 2011, Helsinki, Heuni.
Lipinski, Arie J., Combating Government Corruption: Suing the Federal Government Via a Proposed Amendment to the Civil Rico Statute. Valparaiso University Law Review - 46, 2012, 169-210.
Montoya Brand, Mario, Corrupcion, lucha anticorrupcion y formas de gobierno: Hacia la busqueda del concepto corrupcion. Estudios de derechos - 68:152, 2012, 227-253.
Naim, Moises, Mafia States, Organized Crime Takes Office. Foreign Affairs - 91, 2012, 101-111.
Nichols, Philip M., The Psychic Costs of Violating Corruption Laws. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law - 45:145, 145-210.
Raban, Ofer, Constituzionalizing Corruption: Citizens United, Its Conceptions of Political Corruption, and the Implications for Judicial Elections Campaigns. University of san Francisco Law Review - 46, 2012, 359- 382.
Rose-Ackerman, Susan - Hunt, Sinead, Transparency and Business Advantage: the Impact of International Anti- Corruption Policies on the United States National Interest. NYU Annual Survey of American Law - 67, 2012, 433-466.
Sarrocco, Gianni, Miseria e illegalità. Polizia Moderna - :2, 2012, 8-11.
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