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Issue 8, 2008

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World Events 

International Human Rights Day
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on 10 December 1948. The date has since served to mark Human Rights Day worldwide. The High Commissioner for Human Rights, as the main UN rights official, and her Office play a major role in coordinating efforts for the yearly observance of Human Rights Day.
Human Rights Day 2007 served as the launch of a year-long UN system-wide advocacy campaign to mark the 60th anniversary of the Declaration. The campaign, an initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General, will be led by the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and supported by UN agencies, departments and funds, and other international and local partners, to celebrate the Declaration and the promise that has made this document so enduring: "Dignity and Justice for All of Us".
The year-long commemoration culminates on Human Rights Day 2008 and it aims to continue to raise awareness of the Declaration and its relevance to people around the world.


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