Library Newsletter

Issue 10, 2009

Issue 28, 2014        Issue 27, 2014        Issue 26, 2014        Issue 25, 2014        

Issue 24, 2013        Issue 23, 2013        Issue 22, 2013        Issue 21, 2013        

Issue 20, 2012        Issue 19, 2012        Issue 18, 2011        Issue 17, 2011        

Issue 16, 2010        Issue 15, 2010        Issue 14, 2010        Issue 13, 2010        

Issue 12, 2009        Issue 11, 2009        Issue 10, 2009        Issue  9, 2009        

Issue  8, 2008        Issue  7, 2008        Issue  6, 2008        Issue  5, 2008        

Issue  4, 2007        Issue  3, 2007        Issue  2, 2007        Issue  1, 2007        

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Crisis Prevention and Recovery Report 2008: Post-Conflict Economic Recovery - Enabling Local Ingenuity
The UNDP Crisis Prevention and Recovery Report 2008 titled "Post-Conflict Economic Recovery: Enabling Local Ingenuity", is a comprehensive analysis focusing on three critical factors: the importance of local ingenuity to guide recovery, the state's role in promoting this ingenuity, and the policies needed to rebuild battered economies and reduce the risk of conflict recurrence. The study cites examples of countries that have succeeded in rekindling post-conflict economies and those that continue to flounder, discussing the foundations that are so vital to foster post-conflict economic recovery.


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